I want 2 characterbody3Ds to pass through each other but still interact with the static bodies out there. Both characterbody3Ds use move_and_slide() for movement and have collision shapes. I’ve disabled the relevant collision masks for them (each are on a different collision layer). Do the collision/masks not work for characterbody3Ds colliding with each other?
Changing Collision Masks and Layers to different should do the trick.
See here my little demo. All yellow spheres are only on the Collision Layer & Mask = 1, the red sphere is only on the Collision Layer & Mask = 2. You can see that only the yellow spheres collide with each other, the red one passes through.
Your collision layers or masks must be set up incorrectly if you see a different behavior.
Thank you so much!!! Confirmation that the collision layers/masks should be working and that it isn’t something characterbody3d related is very helpful as points me in the right direction.