Problem with arrows

This is the script I use to make a CharacterBody2D enemy jump to a particular position. I should also work for arrows.

Can’t remember where I got the code though, but it works for me.

You can add this script to your arrow scene and call shoot_arrow

extends CharacterBody2D

##Assuming this is the arrow scene

func shoot_arrow():
        velocity = calculate_arc_velocity(global_position, enemy.global_position, gravity)

func calculate_arc_velocity(start_position, target_position, arc_height, gravity):
	var jump_velocity = Vector2()
	var displacement = target_position - start_position

	if displacement.y > arc_height:
		var time_up = sqrt(-2 * arc_height / float(gravity))
		var time_down = sqrt(2 * (displacement.y - arc_height) / float(gravity))
		#print("time %s" % (time_up + time_down))

		jump_velocity.y = -sqrt(-2 * gravity * arc_height)
		jump_velocity.x = displacement.x / float(time_up + time_down) 

	return jump_velocity

func physics_process(_delta):
	velocity.y += gravity * _delta