problem with lights

I have a world environment, and an omni light attached to the player. for some reason only the floor and certain walls catch the light, most of them just stay black

It seems your Range is too low, as the light never reaches anything outside the radius defined by this parameter. Also, you can decrease Attenuation to ensure a better illumination of the farther parts of the scene.

That’s not the issue sadly. The objects dont catch the light while others do, the scene is meant to be dark with just a light around the player so you know where your going. When the light comes into contact with the wall its texture should be more visible, but they stay black cause of the light

I see. Did you make any other changes to the light properties, like modifying the cull mask? Perhaps the walls belong to a layer which isn’t affected by this light source.

I dont know anything about cull masks, the other thing might be the issue ill have to look into that thanks.