Godot 4.3
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing fine!
I have a problem with multimesh and collision that i can’t seem to fix. When i export a model from Blender with collisions (-col at the end of the name for example), they appear to be good in Godot, the problem is that when i set my multimesh,only the exported model is the one i can collide with. I tried creating new collisions as well,just for the trunk so it wont take much memory,but it didn’t work. I also tried instanciating it by code like the Godot documentation says as well as setting up the nodes (node-mesh-multimesh), but it doesn’t work.
My layers and mask are set the correct way (one for the tree and one for the player that can collide with it) but still nothing.
I would love to know if there is something i’m missing or what i’m doing wrong.
Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:
Thank you all and hope you have an amazing day!