Problem with Multimesh Collision

Godot 4.3

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing fine!

I have a problem with multimesh and collision that i can’t seem to fix. When i export a model from Blender with collisions (-col at the end of the name for example), they appear to be good in Godot, the problem is that when i set my multimesh,only the exported model is the one i can collide with. I tried creating new collisions as well,just for the trunk so it wont take much memory,but it didn’t work. I also tried instanciating it by code like the Godot documentation says as well as setting up the nodes (node-mesh-multimesh), but it doesn’t work.

My layers and mask are set the correct way (one for the tree and one for the player that can collide with it) but still nothing.

I would love to know if there is something i’m missing or what i’m doing wrong.

Here is a screenshot of what it looks like:

Thank you all and hope you have an amazing day!

MultiMeshInstance3D does not handle collisions, you may have to add your own colliders, maybe Proton Scatter could help you instead of a basic MultiMeshInstance3D.

You should try to use a different collision shape for your tree, like a capsule collider, I highly doubt you need the accuracy nor the tree leaves

Thanks a lot for the answer,Gertkeno! I didn’t know it didn’t handle collision,good to know now haha. I will give it a try to proton again.

And yes,i know it’s not necessary that amount of collision for a simple tree, i just exported from blender with collision from there and just wanted to try.

Thanks a lot!! Hope you have a good day.