Hey everyone! I wanted to share a new game demo I just released on Steam. It’s an Adventure/RPG Comedy called Radventure that I made in order to try out Godot 4. I had a ton of fun getting it this far, and I was really impressed with the versatility of Godot’s 2.5D tools.
Feel free to check out the Radventure Demo here…
Or if you need some more convincing you can check out our trailer…
Any thoughts or input are GREATLY appreciated!
I am sure I saw someone playing this on YouTube. Perhaps I am wrong.
It looks absolutely fabulous. If this is what you make to ‘try out’ the engine, I can’t wait to see what you make next, now that you are experienced with it! The art work is fabulous and humour is very funny.
Great job. Very impressed.
Thanks! I’ve been doing game design professionally for a while now, with a background in animation, and I just dabble in programming, so I was trying to lean into my strengths. Going in with a good plan really helped.
This demo was so much fun, we just kept adding to it until we had a complete vertical slice.
We may end up doing a Kickstarter to see if there’s enough interest to build out the entire game. If not then it was at least a great learning experience.
Either way, I’m definitely hooked on Godot at this point.
Just played the demo and enjoyed wandering round, chuckling at jokes. It’s well written and I had a good time. Nice job!
I did encounter a small bug just before the combat tutorial. I wandered up to the assassin as a gravestone narration was happening, and it caused both the gravestone and assassin audio to play at the same time. I liked being able to wander round while the narration is playing, so I’m not sure how best to handle the clash with location triggered scenes, but I’m sure you’ll find a good solution.
I’d be happy to give further feedback if wanted. Keep at it!
Thanks so much for the feedback and insight!
Good catch on the bug, it was a pretty easy fix as I already had a toggle for the proximity triggers scattered around the map worked into their code, just had to make sure it activated.
Thanks again!
Ah nice one. Not a worry, always happy to give feedback when I find a spare moment.
Apologies for the self promotion, but for anyone that may have been interested in this project, we recently launched a Kickstarter to try and help fund hiring additional artists. If that interests anyone feel free to check out our Kickstarter campaign.
Either way, thanks to anyone reading this or showing support in any way.