Raycasting from an orthogonal camera

Godot Version



Hello everyone, I’m trying to detect objects that are between the camera and player. To do this I want to raycast from the camera to the player and pick up colliders in between the two.

I’m not sure how this works with orthogonal though. This is the code I have right now

public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta)

		var ray_length = 1000;
		var from = camera.ProjectRayOrigin(Vector2.Zero);
		var to = from + character.GlobalTransform.Origin * ray_length;
		var space = GetWorld3D().DirectSpaceState;
		var ray_query = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.Create(from, to);
		ray_query.From = from;
		ray_query.To = to;
		ray_query.CollideWithAreas = true;
		if(character is Player player)
			ray_query.Exclude = player.exclude;
		var result = space.IntersectRay(ray_query);

I’m not sure how the camera.ProjectRayOrigin works with an orthogonal camera, so I don’t know exactly what to pass ProjectRayOrigin.

If anyone has experience raycasting from an orthogonal camera, or has any insight that would be helpful please leave a reply!

So I ended up doing this

var from = camera.GlobalPosition;
var to = character.GlobalPosition;
var space = GetWorld3D().DirectSpaceState;
var ray_query = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.Create(from, to);
ray_query.From = from;
ray_query.To = to;
ray_query.Exclude = character.exclude;	
var result = space.IntersectRay(ray_query);

This seems to work well for detecting objects in between the camera and the player. I won’t mark as solved just yet, but I’m pretty sure this works