I created a file from a resource I have, it’s called “IGN.tres”. In my game, there is a system that edits the resource variables and saves them. But there is also a label showing the saved text of that resource.
Whenever I look at it, the result is the previous text I had written, and the new text does not appear. Is this normal?
*I used “@export” and “load” to access the file and both methods gave the same result.
Well, show me what you got! Please post enough code context for a rando on the internet to mentally reproduce the issue.
@export var FN: Label
@export var SN: Label
@export var TN: Label
@export var GN: UI
#"UI" is the resource and the file is "IGN"
Func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
FN.text = UI.first_gameplay_name
SN.text = UI.second_gameplay_name
TN.text = UI.third_gameplay_name
I’ve already tried replacing “@export” with "load()
var GN = load("path")
What happens is that when the player modifies the “UI” variables, the file does not update and uses the old values.
Example: if I change the value of “first_gameplay_name” in the TextEdit node to “Www”, the label appears with the name I put before. And if I close and try again, the file changes the value only when I quite the game. I don’t know if this will affect the game in the future, so I wanted to know if it’s normal.
It would be easier to explain with a video.