Godot Version
I’m working on a steering wheel for a bike model using Skeleton3D in Godot 4. The steering wheel is a bone in the armature, and I need to rotate it around its local Y-axis based on user input. However, I’m having issues where the rotation behaves incorrectly because the bone is upside-down.
- The steering wheel is controlled by a bone in the Skeleton3D.
- I want to set the rotation (not increment it).
- The bone should rotate smoothly based on input (ui_left, ui_right).
- Bone index: 10
- The bone is upside-down, which affects the expected local Y-axis.
Current Code:
extends Node3D
@onready var skeleton: Skeleton3D = $Armature/Skeleton3D
var max_steering_angle: float = 30.0 # Max rotation angle in degrees
var steering_speed: float = 5.0 # Smooth steering speed
var bone_index: int = 10
var current_steering_angle: float = 0.0
func _process(delta: float):
var input_direction = 0
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
input_direction = 1
elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
input_direction = -1
# Calculate target steering angle
var target_angle = input_direction * max_steering_angle
# Smoothly interpolate the steering angle
current_steering_angle = lerp(current_steering_angle, target_angle, steering_speed * delta)
# Convert to radians
var angle_radians = deg_to_rad(current_steering_angle)
# Get the bone's global transform
var bone_global_transform = skeleton.get_bone_global_pose(bone_index)
# Extract the bone's local Y-axis
var local_y_axis = bone_global_transform.basis.y.normalized()
# Create a quaternion to rotate around the local Y-axis
var rotation_quaternion = Quaternion(local_y_axis, angle_radians)
# Apply the rotation
skeleton.set_bone_pose_rotation(bone_index, rotation_quaternion)
Problems I’m Facing:
- The steering wheel bone is upside-down, so rotating around Vector3.UP doesn’t work correctly.
- The rotation sometimes flips unexpectedly.
- I only want to set the rotation, not increment it.
- The steering wheel should behave like a real bike handlebar—it should smoothly turn left and right without strange flips.
- How can I correctly rotate the steering wheel bone around its actual local Y-axis?
- Is Quaternion(local_y_axis, angle_radians) the right approach for this?
- Should I be using set_bone_pose_rotation(), or is there a better method?
- Any help would be greatly appreciated!