Godot Version
Just like the title says. In the editor you can right click on a node and instantiate a child scene. When you click the root of the instantiated scene you can then click editable children, which will make the children appear in a yellowish color.
These instantiated child scenes are saved super efficiently in .tscn files. I want to create files like these, but programmatically. Like… I load a scene and add it as a child to another scene.
I’ve tried using the following function, which goes through all the nodes recursively and sets the owner node + makes the instantiated scenes editable:
# p_owner is the root node of the scene
func set_ownership(p_owner: Node, node: Node) -> void:
# Iterate through all the children
for child in node.get_children():
# If the node has a scene_file_path, then the node is the root of loaded scene
# If the the owner of the node is not null, then it's a child scene of the loaded scene
if child.scene_file_path and child.owner == null:
child.owner = p_owner
p_owner.set_editable_instance(child, true)
# Do this recursively for all children
set_ownership(p_owner, child)
func save(my_scene: Node, path: String) -> void:
set_ownership(my_scene, my_scene)
Unfortunately this does not produce the same result. Signals are copied and all the nodes of the instantiated scene are also saved even if they aren’t changed.
But I think the method above works as intended, because I tried loading and saving a scene with an instantiated child scene that has been created through the editor and it also produces a different .tscn:
var scene = load("res://test.tscn").instantiate()
var pack = PackedScene.new(scene)
ResourceSaver.save(pack, "res://test2.tscn")
As soon as the scene gets instantiated, some of the values are doubled or something. Is there any flag I am missing? I tried all the flags in the save method, but it’s not working.