Scaling arbitrary images to fit window

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


How do I scale an image of arbitrary size (only known at runtime) to fit into the main window of the app (also, size only known at runtime)?


I’m trying to make a slide show. The user opens the directory, I recursively scan it to look for image files and then display a new image whenever a timer fires. That’s all working except that the images are not scaled to fit in the window. I use get_window().size to determine the window’s size. This value seems reasonable (5120 x 2824 on an 27" 5K iMac).


How do I actually scale the image?

I tried:

var win_size = get_window().size
img.resize( win_size.x, win_size.y )

Printing the new img.size shows that it has been resized, but when I display it, it still shows the image too large. I display as follows:

output_texture.texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image( img )

Where output_texture is a TextureRect configured to fill the root node of the scene which is a canvas layer.

Scene layout is:

|- FileDialog
|- Timer
|- TextureRect (called output_texture in the code)

Full Image Load and Display Code

func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
	if current_file_idx > files_to_show.size():
		var fn  : String = ""
		var img : Image  = null
		while not img :
			fn = files_to_show[ current_file_idx ]
			current_file_idx += 1
			img = Image.load_from_file( fn )
			if not img:
				print( "[", fn, "] !! failed" )
		var height   : int   = img.get_height()
		var width    : int   = img.get_width()
		img.resize( window.size.x, window.size.y )
		var txtscale : float = min( float(window.size.y) / float(height), float(window.size.x) / float(width) )
		var txt : ImageTexture = ImageTexture.create_from_image( img )
		print( "[", fn, "] ( ", width, ", ", height, " ) * ", txtscale, " - Display: ", window.size )
		output_texture.texture = txt


No files have printed the “!! failed” message.
The output printed for a particular file:

[Camouflaged Masala.png] ( 1108, 1478 ) * 1.9106901217862 - Display: (5120, 2824)

Image Details for the file (note, file is smaller than screen):

What the program displays (cropped):

As you can see, even though the image is smaller than the window, it is scaled to be much larger (and also, offset).

There is window size and viewport resolution. You are not adjusting the viewport.