Scene disappeared

Godot Version

Godot 4.3


I don’t think this can be solved, exactly, but I’d like to know what happened.
I was working on my game completely normally, and was writing some code for the dialogue (using this dialogue manager addon, if it matters). I wasn’t fully paying attention, but I think when I went to test out the game I might have closed Godot? If I didn’t, then it crashed. When I reopened it, my scene looked very strange. Here’s an image

When I looked at the tscn file in a text editor, all it said was:

[gd_scene format=3 uid=“uid://bol3fg6a4pwmd”]

[node name=“” type=“Object”]

Comparing to the other tscn files, I think it’s supposed to have more than that.

I don’t have a backup, but since my code is intact and I have all the assets I’ll just remake the scene. I only want to know what happened to it. I tried looking up the red text in the output, but I only found two people who posted the problem with no real answers.
If anyone has any idea, answers would be much appreciated.

for added context:
the scene originally had a characterbody2d, an animatedsprite2d, an area2d, two collisionshape2ds (one attached to the character and the other to the area2d), and a camera. i don’t know if that matters.