Set a max capacity to a value

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.2


Hi I am very new to programing (very) and to challange myself I am tryng to program a small Idle game. I am following some tutorials to slowly build the game. However I am unable to find any guids on how to set max capacity for one of my in game resources. I have a resource called "water" and a scripts that handles this resource. I can press a button to increase the amount of water but I want to make a max capacity so when the amount of water reaches that number it can't get any higher. Do I need a new cript ? How would a code like that look like ?

You can clamp it or check the max value using min comparison like this:

var max_water: float = 100.0
var current_water: float = 0.0

# then whenever you are adding or removing (-ve) an amount:
current_water = clamp(current_water + amount, 0, max_water)

# or just check the max value
current_water = min(current_water + amount, max_water)

Clamp ‘clamps’ the value of the given amount to within the two given values.
Min returns the smaller of the two, max returns the biggest of the two.

Hope that helps.

Clamp, min and max examples in the docs:


I would suggest to use a setter

var min_water: float = 0.0
var max_water: float = 100.0
var current_water: float:
    set(value: float):
        current_water = clampf(value, min_water, max_water)

This way, whenever you try to change the value of your current_water, it will automatically perform clamping for you, you don’t need to remember to do that anywhere else in your code base.