Godot Version
v4.3 Stable
Tl;Dr: Are you able to set “Always On Top” to a window that’s already in the tree, or is this just a limitation of the system? (I am on Windows, but knowing if this does or doesn’t work on Mac is also good)
So, I’m trying to make a thing that puts an overlay over a PowerPoint Presentation (with the PowerPoint controlled from a separate screen) - to do this I have the overlay as a transparent window that is “always_on_top” (set in the code) and slightly smaller than fullscreen.
For troubleshooting purposes, I would like to be able to temporarily “toggle off” the “Always On Top”-ness of this window, then toggle it back on later. Attempting to do this (either as a function in the Overlay Window and/or as a control from a parent “control panel” window on a second screen) causes the Overlay Window to freeze, become non-interactable and no longer show up in the system’s window manager (in short, I think the window encounters an error and stops, but still exists as a node in the tree, so is still visible). Yet when this happens, the Debug Log shows no errors, so I don’t know what’s going wrong.
I’ve not been able to find any info on this in the Docs, so any help, even just to say what I’m trying is impossible, would be greatly appreciated.