Sharing failed attempt to add DarkRadiant support to FuncGodot plugin

For quite some time I’ve been trying to add support for the DarkRadiant (DR) editor in the FuncGodot plugin, but unfortunately I’ve reached my limits and couldn’t get it fully working.

DR is the map editor used to make missions for The Dark Mod. It’s robust and very battle tested, but it was also developed only with TDM in mind, so it’s a bit tough to get working for other games. My goal was to build a template project to make it easier to get going with it.

Recently I decided to clean up and share my project, just in case this interests other people, and in case someone else might want to tackle it. The repo includes a link to my fork of FuncGodot with the changes I’ve made (just 4 commits).

The problems:

DR only uses Doom3 or Quake3 formats (Q3 by exporting), and I tried adding support for both, but I had problems importing textures in both. This is because DR works a bit differently from other editors like TrenchBroom or NetRadiant-Custom. To be specific:

  • In Q3 format, if a brush face is slanted, the texture will be imported wrong, because DR changes the texture shifting when faces are slanted, and I have no clue how to acomodate for it.

  • In Doom3 format, iirc, I couldn’t figure out how to translate D3 texture coordinates into Godot. It may also have the same problem the Q3 format has, but I’m not sure.