Godot Version
Godot 4.2
I have a LifeComponent node with a script that handles damage.
class_name LifeComponent
extends Node
signal die
@export var max_life: int
@export var life: float
func damage(damage):
life -= damage
if life <= 0:
I also have a player and BaseEnemy class with death functions:
#In player.gd
#Connected to a child PlayerLifeComponent that extends LifeComponent
func die() -> void:
visible = false
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
visible = true
extends LifeComponent
func damage(damage):
life -= damage
if life <= 0:
#Has other code unrelated to the issue
#In base_enemy.gd
#Connected to a child LifeComponent ‘die’ signal
func die() -> void:
When I change the function name in BaseEnemy to anything other than die() then no error occurs. However, the player script also has a function die() that doesn’t cause an error even though it also has the same name as the signal emitted. What is the difference between the two? I tried changing the name of the player’s death function to something different, but it had no affect on the error. Only changing the name of the function in base_enemy.gd got rid of the error message.Preformatted text