Signal already connected to callable when the names are the same

Godot Version

Godot 4.2


I have a LifeComponent node with a script that handles damage.
class_name LifeComponent

extends Node
signal die
@export var max_life: int
@export var life: float

func damage(damage):
	life -= damage
	if life <= 0:

I also have a player and BaseEnemy class with death functions:
#Connected to a child PlayerLifeComponent that extends LifeComponent

func die() -> void:
	visible = false
	await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
	visible = true


extends LifeComponent
func damage(damage):
	life -= damage
	if life <= 0:
#Has other code unrelated to the issue

#Connected to a child LifeComponent ‘die’ signal

func die() -> void:

When I change the function name in BaseEnemy to anything other than die() then no error occurs. However, the player script also has a function die() that doesn’t cause an error even though it also has the same name as the signal emitted. What is the difference between the two? I tried changing the name of the player’s death function to something different, but it had no affect on the error. Only changing the name of the function in got rid of the error message.Preformatted text

Related to other solved issue.

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