Smooth rotation problem

Godot Version



I have some extremly simple code that rotates a 3dNode 90 degs clockwise or anticlockwise. It works fine but what I really want to do is complete the rotation slowly over time rather than instantly rotate.

I’ve tried using lerp angle but I cant seem to get it to rotate the full 90 degrees and I am now very confused!

Here is my code -

extends Node3D

func _process(delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“rotate_camera_cw”):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“rotate_camera_acw”):

If you want rotation to be smooth and controlled by the player you could use Input.is_action_pressed and rotate small amounts multiplied by delta.

If you are not looking for smooth controlled rotation, try a tween here? One issue will be interrupting the tween, you may need a timer or boolean to track if the animation is in progress.

const rotation_time: float = 2.0 # in seconds

func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	if event.is_action_pressed("rotate_camera_cw"):
		var rotate_tween := create_tween()
		rotate_tween.tween_property(self, "rotation:y", rotation.y + PI/4, rotation_time)
	elif event.is_action_pressed("rotate_camera_acw"):
		var rotate_tween := create_tween()
		rotate_tween.tween_property(self, "rotation:y", rotation.y - PI/4, rotation_time)
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You can use lerp_angle for a smooth rotation, like I demonstrated in this video.

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Thank you for your response, i’m not going to be able to try this until later but really appreciate it and I’ll let you know if it works.

Great video I think I have been missunderstanding lerp angle so I’ll give this a go later too, seems to really match what I am trying to do.

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Actually decided to quickly have a go with this and worked perfectly. Thanks so much, I just made a couple of tweaks to the rotation amount (PI/2) and the time

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