Specific textures dissapear when on iOS

Godot Version

Godot 4.3 stable
Iphone Xs - 18.1.1


I’m having issues with my game on specifically only iOS where textures seemingly completely disappear

On Mac VM && Windows


I have no code which effects these textures, and thats not all, this issue is very inconsistent, take another level which is later on in my game, here the entire tilemap doesn’t show up

On Mac VM && Windows

On iOS

Most of the assets in my game are SVGs with the exception of the sky background and the apple, the apple consistently always disappears, the sky sometimes disappears, take this next level

Whats weird, is that I’ve found adding a RichTextLabel to scenes magically seems to fix the background image but nothing else, here is the same level as the screenshots above, but this time with text

I changed literally nothing else except for adding this text (see image of the level open in github desktop changes)

I’m going insane, any help would be incredibly appreciated.

Something similar happened to me on Android. I had to close my project, backup my .godot folder to somewhere outside the project, delete it, then re-open the project which recreates the .godot folder. It’ll then have new import configurations. I had to drag and drop several assets (like sounds) into appropriate export variables in the inspector. Kinda annoying but I guess it’s what it is.

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you’re a lifesaver, this worked immediately, issue resolved.

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