I recently learned about states and i followed a guide to the tee but i cannot figure out why my Player Idle state wont switch to Player Walk state
Heres the code for my PlayerIdle
extends State
class_name PlayerIdle
@onready var state_machine = $".."
@onready var player = $"../.."
@onready var player_animated = $"../../PlayerAnimated"
func Enter():
player_animated.animation = "Idle"
func Physics_Update(_delta: float):
if player.velocity.x > 0:
Transitioned.emit(self, "walk")
Here is my code for PlayerWalk
extends State
class_name PlayerWalk
@onready var state_machine = $".."
@onready var player = $"../.."
@onready var player_animated = $"../../PlayerAnimated"
func Enter():
player_animated.animation = "Running"
func Physics_Update(_delta: float):
if player.velocity.x == 0:
Transitioned.emit(self, "idle")
This is my state machine:
extends Node
@export var initial_state : State
var current_state : State
var states : Dictionary = {}
func _ready():
for child in get_children():
if child is State:
states[child.name] = child
if initial_state:
current_state = initial_state
func _process(delta):
if current_state:
func _physics_process(delta):
if current_state:
func _on_child_transition(_state, new_state_name):
if State != current_state:
var new_state = states.get(new_state_name)
if !new_state:
if current_state:
current_state = new_state
I am very confused and i also have this error:
W 0:00:02:0620 The signal “Transitioned” is declared but never explicitly used in the class.
I believe you got a warning that state was unused, so you marked it with a underscore to _state, but the solution is to use the variable; capitalization matters.
func _on_child_transition(state, new_state_name):
if state != current_state:
I’ve seen this tutorial on the forum before, I don’t think it’s necessary to run this check at all if you want to remove it.
Yes it does, i changed all the variables so they match up but now some more errors pop up.
W 0:00:00:0353 The parameter “state” is never used in the function “_on_child_transition()”. If this is intended, prefix it with an underscore: “_state”.
W 0:00:00:0353 The local variable “new_state” is declared but never used in the block. If this is intended, prefix it with an underscore: “_new_state”.
If it helps i left out this code by mistake, its just a script that is referenced i believe
Assuming this is up to date, the same issue we started with right? You want to use _state in this condition or remove it. You needed to un-capitalize State, the lowercase version is a variable, uppercase happens to be a Type.
func _on_child_transition(_state, new_state_name):
#if _state != current_state: # or commented out
Since they can equal each other, this might not halt your function. But knowing this tutorial I think it’s a terrible comparison and you could remove it by commenting or just deleting the commented lines.