hello guys well I'm new to godot and I have a problem my porblem is how we should stop the enemy when we look at it and when we look to other side the enemy follows the player again just like scary games but instead in topdown 2d I would be happy if you guys help me thanks
Depending on 2d or 3d… here’s something to tinker about
func _physics_process(delta):
if not player:
# Calculate direction to player
var direction_to_player = global_position.direction_to(player.global_position)
var distance_to_player = global_position.distance_to(player.global_position)
# Check if player is in range
if distance_to_player <= player_detection_range:
# Get the player's forward direction (assuming it's stored in a variable)
var player_direction = Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(player.rotation)
# Calculate angle between player's forward direction and direction to enemy
var angle_to_enemy = rad_to_deg(player_direction.angle_to(-direction_to_player))
# Check if player is looking at enemy
is_being_watched = abs(angle_to_enemy) <= view_angle_threshold
if not is_being_watched:
# Move towards player when not being watched
velocity = direction_to_player * move_speed
# Stop moving when being watched
velocity = Vector2.ZERO
# Stop moving when player is out of range
velocity = Vector2.ZERO