Godot Version
v4.2.2.stable.official [15073afe3]
I’m very new at Godot so I hope I’m missing something simple. I’m struggling with an AnimatorPlayer2D node. I have a player character that gets knocked back and is supposed to “flash” (opacity adjusted back and forth). When I run this in game it works right the first time. Every time after the first time, however, it either doesn’t flash or the flash looks very different. I do have a Reset animation, although I’ve tested with and without the Reset animation and it doesn’t seem to affect this behavior. It seems like even though I tell the animation to stop, when it does the animation again it always feels like a different speed or starts in a different part of the animation.
I am also using timers to start and stop this. Any help or ideas are appreciated. I’m pretty lost with why the same animation would play differently each time.
Relevant script:
(in the get hit function:
print("Current animation float on start: " + str(player_animator.get_current_animation_position()))
func _on_knockback_timeout():
if hit:
canmove = true
swordactive = false
hit = false
func _on_hitstun_timeout():
if hitstun:
hitstun = false
print("Current animation float on stop: " + str(player_animator.get_current_animation_position()))
Output trying to measure when the animation float starts and stops:
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.15000000596046
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.049957
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.15000000596046
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.03333333333333
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.08333333333333
Current animation float on start: 0
Current animation float on stop: 0.15000000596046