Texture blurry when to zoomed out

I have an Inventory with PanelContainers (Size 64x64). Each has a TextureRect as a Child. I load the Textures with these Settings:

expand_mode = TextureRect.EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE
stretch_mode = TextureRect.STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_CENTERED
texture_filter = CanvasItem.TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST

	if item:
		texture = load("res://Items/texture/mace_1.png") ```



The png is 400x640 pixel and looks great in the 
preview. But because of the downscaling it is super blurry und pixely. Is there any Way for me to keep the size of the inventoryslots and also keep up the quality of my Texture? 


You might have to use a program like krita, and premake the downsized images using a filter like, bicubic.