Godot v4.3.stable (77dcf97d8)
Hi, I’m trying to figure out autotiling. Most of it seems to be done correctly, but I can’t figure out how to get Godot to use the bottom tails.
Godot v4.3.stable (77dcf97d8)
Hi, I’m trying to figure out autotiling. Most of it seems to be done correctly, but I can’t figure out how to get Godot to use the bottom tails.
Your autotile is setup correctly, but the bottom tile you are referring to is actually 2 tiles. All others are 1x1 squares and the bottom tile is 1x2 actually. You have to set up the bottom tiles as higher ones (taking up 1x2 space on the atlas) and then in one of the tile properties editors, set the tile origin to the center of the upper square.
So for example if your tileset is 16x16 pixels, your bottom tile would be 16x32px and its origin (center) would have ti be manually set at (8,8). Otherwise godot will place it at (8,16).
Hope it makes sense
Would you care to elaborate on that? I’d be very grateful
What part is not clear?
Starting with the third sentence