Too many AnimationPlayers?

Godot Version



Thank you for reading :fox_face:

During boss design each attack and movement is animated using AnimationPlayers and I’m racking up around 20 - 80 players nested inside bullets, mini enemies, bosses and environments.

Are there hard limits for how many AnimationPlayers are too many? Per scene?

Suggestions on limiting them besides AnimationTrees?

Game is aimed at PC and Consoles.

Thank you

I don’t believe there is but it could cause lag and possibly a lot of it depending on the animation itself if there is 20-80 so just be carful I guess

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I don’t think you need to worry before you get into thousands. But of course it all depends on the complexity of the scenes and a lot of other factors that are very project-specific, so the only way to know for sure is to test from time to time how well it performs and use Profiler to find bottlenecks.