Godot Version
I have a script, denizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT. it has a class_name DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT. I have been able to add other scripts with their appropriate class_name without issue, but this one seems to never be valid, or potentially loaded. I have tried preloading, I have physically put the script on the node, I have used set_script() on the node. I have replaced the entire node, restarted godot and computer many times.
This is where I am trying to get the script functioning:
func init():
print("check script is loaded: ", ClassDB.class_exists("DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT"))
var new_script_attachment_attempt = preload("res://scripts/denizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT.gd")
print("check script is loaded: ", ClassDB.class_exists("DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT"))
print("child 0 : ", get_child(0))
var child = get_child(0)
if child:
var child_script = child.get_script()
print("child 0 script: ", child_script)
if child_script is DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT:
controller = child_script as DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT
print("controller succesfully assigned")
print("error: childs script is not of the type DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT")
var script_to_pass:DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT = DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT.new()
if child.has_method("_ready"):
print("child has _ready")
child_script = child.get_script()
print("second run: child 0 script: ", child_script)
if child_script is DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT:
controller = child_script as DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT
print("second run: controller succesfully assigned")
print("second run: error: childs script is not of the type DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT")
print("ERROR: no child found")
print("denizen Is inside tree:", is_inside_tree())
print("denizen physics processing enabled:", is_physics_processing())
The following is the output:
check script is loaded: false
check script is loaded: false
child 0 : CharacterBody2D:<CharacterBody2D#1554610480409>
child 0 script: <GDScript#-9223372005632375515>
error: childs script is not of the type DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT
child has _ready
second run: child 0 script: <GDScript#-9223372005632375515>
second run: error: childs script is not of the type DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT
denizen Is inside tree:true
denizen physics processing enabled:true
The following is the script I am having problems with:
extends CharacterBody2D
class_name DenizenNAVIGATIONandMOVEMENT
# enums
# consts
# exports
# public vars
# private vars
var movement_speed: float = 100
var agent:NavigationAgent2D
var custom_path_index:int = 0
var custom_path:PackedVector2Array
var steps_for_custom_path:int = 0:
if new_value > 0:
steps_for_custom_path = new_value
inside_building = false
steps_for_custom_path = new_value
var next_path_position: Vector2:
if new_value != next_path_position:
print("next path pos: ", next_path_position)
next_path_position = new_value
var current_target_position:Vector2
# onready vars
# testing vars
# signals
# flags
var inside_building:bool = false:
if new_value:
#moving into building
z_index = Globals.inside_building_z_index
#print("inside building zindex") # TESTING where z index' will be
#moving out of building
z_index = Globals.outside_building_z_index
#print("outside building zindex")# TESTING where z index' will be
# used to get off the custom path and back to main navigation path
inside_building = new_value# built-in override methods
func _ready(): pass
func _physics_process(delta):
if agent != null:
print("denizen 3")
if agent.is_navigation_finished():
print("denizen 1")
print("denizen 2")
if next_path_position.distance_to(self.global_position) <= (Globals.grid_size + Globals.grid_size * .1):
custom_path_index += 1
if inside_building:
steps_for_custom_path -=1
var current_agent_position: Vector2 = self.global_position
next_path_position = get_next_path_position()
var new_velocity: Vector2 = next_path_position - current_agent_position
new_velocity = new_velocity.normalized()
new_velocity = new_velocity * movement_speed
velocity = new_velocity
print("denizen: velocity should be")
# public methods
func set_movement_target(target:Vector2)->void:
print("denizen set target to: ", target)
if agent.target_position != target:
agent.target_position = target
# same target, do not update
func init(connect_signals_to:Script, _agent:NavigationAgent2D)->void:
#if not is_inside_tree():
# call_deferred("init", connect_signals_to, _agent)
print("agent is initiated, agent: ", _agent)
agent = _agent
agent.path_desired_distance = 4.0
agent.target_desired_distance = 4.0
agent.velocity = Vector2.ZERO
print("navigation adn movement Is inside tree:", is_inside_tree())
print("navigation adn movement Physics processing enabled:", is_physics_processing()) #call_deferred("actor_setup")
# private methods
func actor_setup():
await get_tree().physics_frame
# not sure what should be here and what should be in init().
func get_next_path_position()->Vector2:
var index:int = agent.get_current_navigation_path_index()
var next_position:Vector2
# if we are inside a building we will use the custom path that has added
# the points of a path.curve that go through the building
if inside_building:
# occasionally the index becomes larger than the custom path for some reason.
# for that reason I have added this to take them out of a building as it has not
# keyed correctly
if custom_path.size()-1 < index + custom_path_index:
printerr("denizen pathing error, index larger than path.size() for ", self)
print("index: ", index, ", custom_path_index: ", custom_path_index, ", total: ", index+custom_path_index, "custom_path.size(): ", custom_path.size())
inside_building = false
next_position = custom_path[index + custom_path_index]
# if we are outside of a building we will use the agent' built in
# get_next_path_position() fucntion
next_position = agent.get_next_path_position()
#print("next positon is: ", next_path_position) #TESTING
return next_position
# signal methods
func _on_navigation_agent_2d_link_reached(details):
# when we enter a link, it is going into a building.
# *******************************
# details is a dictionary, and its components are as follows:
# position: The start position of the link that was reached.
# type: Always NavigationPathQueryResult2D.PATH_SEGMENT_TYPE_LINK.
# rid: The RID of the link.
# owner: The object which manages the link (usually NavigationLink2D).
# link_entry_position: If owner is available and the owner is a NavigationLink2D,
# it will contain the global position of the link's point the agent is entering.
# link_exit_position: If owner is available and the owner is a NavigationLink2D,
# it will contain the global position of the link's point which the agent is exiting.
# / *******************************
# the link that was reached
var link:NavigationLink2D = details["owner"]
# path that is the parent of the link
var path:Path2D = link.get_parent()
var path_through_building:Curve2D = path.curve
var curve_points = path_through_building.get_baked_points()
# we use a custom path to hold the navigation path and insert the curve points
custom_path = agent.get_current_navigation_path() #this is a reference to the path
#print("original current path: ", custom_path) # TESTING
# we will get the current index of the path, and add that to the index of the different
# curve' points. then store the current index
var current_index = agent.get_current_navigation_path_index()
for index in curve_points.size():
custom_path.insert(index + current_index + 1, curve_points[index] + link.global_position)
custom_path_index = current_index
#when we enter a path we are inside a building
inside_building = true
steps_for_custom_path = curve_points.size()-4 # not sure why its 4. through testing it seems to work fairly well
current_target_position = custom_path[custom_path.size()-1]
print("new custom_path: ", custom_path) # TESTING
#print("ping: ", agent.get_current_navigation_path()) #TESTING