Tween but not affected by the engine time scale

Godot Version

Godot version 4.3.0


How do you make a tween independent of the time scale? In the game I’m working on when the player dies the game slows down to 0.1 but the tween in the HP bar also get slowed down for this (I’m using tween for reducing HP).

How do I make that the tween of the HP bar doesn’t gets affected by the whole games time scale?

You actually can’t do it directly.
But you could set the Tween.speed_scale to be an inverse of the Engine.time_scale

Tween.set_speed_scale(1.0 / Engine.time_scale)

Just need to be careful that if you change the Engine.time_scale mid-tweening, the Tween.speed_scale will not be updated. If that’s an issue for you, let me know and we can figure it out.