Tween started with no Tweeners

Godot Version



For what i found online, people say this error appears if the function gets called multiple times in a row, so i try to fix this with a variable. But the error s still there.

Any Idea on how to fix this?

func _process(delta):

func walking_animation_scale_change():
	var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
	var tween_time:float = 1.5
	var scale_min_size:Vector2 = Vector2(0.8,0.8)
	var scale_max_size:Vector2 = Vector2(1.1,1.1)
	if is_tweening == false:
		is_tweening = true
		await get_tree().create_tween().tween_property(animated_sprite_2d , "scale" ,scale_min_size, tween_time).finished
		await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout
		await get_tree().create_tween().tween_property(animated_sprite_2d , "scale" ,scale_max_size, tween_time).finished
		is_tweening = false

I think the problem is that you create a tween in this line that you don’t use anywhere.