UI boomarang glitch

Godot Version



Hi there,

Has anyone experienced a minor glitch of the UI where you go to move the window (e.g dragging to right) and initially it boomerangs back?

This occurs for the Godot Editor, Godot Manager and the .Net app I created.

How to recreate:
Click left mouse button anywhere not part of the UI to lose focus, then left click and drag window in one motion with mouse.

Doesn’t occur when you first click once to get window focus and then click and drag.

This might be my environment, but wanted to know if this has been experienced before and if there was a way to ‘fix’ it.

This doesn’t happen to any other app/window used. I use both Windows 10 and 11 where the same thing happens.


I have never noticed that honestly, but you’re right - the same happens to me. If my Godot Editor is unfocused and I try to drag it, it will snap to the original position after roughly 1 frame and I have to drag it again.
Feel free to raise an issue on the Godot GitHub if you want to see this fixed.

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