Unable to Assign Variable to Node

Godot Version



I am new to Godot and game dev in general, so I apologize if I am not able to explain clearly. I am following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sWH2lsntek .

I am at the section where I am adding an advanced jump component. At the final step, I need to Select the Player under Scene, then assign the Advanced Jump Component variable to the JumpComponent Node in the Inspector window. The player.gd dropdown menu that should appear, doesn’t appear for me. I have gone through these exact same steps successfully 4 times already for different variables, but for some reason the player.gd dropdown menu isn’t appearing this time.

Please Help

Thanks in advance!

If i’m getting you right, you just have to click “Assign” next to Jump Component and then click on AdvancedJumpComponent on Player, then press OK. Your screenshots look exactly as the tutorial, i don’t see the problem.

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Look again. In the Inspector window, above CharacterBody2D, there should be another drop down menu for my player.gd script. They are not identical screenshots.

But the solution was to restart my project a third time. I don’t know why it didn’t work the first 2 times.