Unable to find export variables in inspector panel

Godot Version



I am following a tutorial on how to make a grid system, and it says to assign an already created scene to the tile_scene variable in the inspector panel, but I cannot find anywhere to do that. Here is the script:

extends Node2D

export(PackedScene) var tile_scene
export(int) var grid_width = 10
export(int) var grid_height = 10
export(int) var tile_size = 64

func _ready():
	for x in range(grid_width):
		for y in range(grid_height):
			var tile = tile_scene.instance()
			tile.position = Vector2(x * tile_size, y * tile_size)

it’s @export
you forgot the @

Returns this error and still cannot find export variables:
Line 3:Annotation “@export” requires at most 0 arguments, but 1 were given.
Line 4:Annotation “@export” requires at most 0 arguments, but 1 were given.
Line 5:Annotation “@export” requires at most 0 arguments, but 1 were given.
Line 6:Annotation “@export” requires at most 0 arguments, but 1 were given.

You are using Godot 3 syntax, which isn’t compatible with Godot 4.
It should be
@export var grid_width: int = 10