Unexplained frame rate drop

Godot Version

4.2 stable


I don't know if this problem happens only to me, but sometimes my editor runs my 2d projects at around 60 FPS without any problems or crashes. But other times, without having made any changes to the scene, it runs at much less. This happens once in a while when I start the scene for the first time and it doesn't return to normal afterwards even when I restart the editor, and when it does I can't seem to do anything about it except close it and try again. I don't know why this happens, but it's very annoying. Has anything similar happened to anyone? Has anyone managed to solve it?

Try test the 4.3, 4.2 is already a old and unmaintened version.


FPS can be affected by high CPU usage from background processes or other programs on your PC. Are you also running other programs? Perhaps they are the cause keeping your CPU too busy perhaps?

Ok :+1:, I’m going to update my version to try and solve it and wait a few days to see if it happens again. But I found out that restarting the windows user has a chance of solving it, but it’s not definitive. But could updating the engine have a negative effect on projects in the old version?

No. The problem isn’t with my CPU, because there have been times when this happened as soon as I started my computer and before I had any programs open. But thanks all the same

If your using Windows, one of the problems you can have with your FPS in anything, not just Godot, is a Windows Update running in background.

Windows also does many many things other than an security update. This causes poor FPS often.

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I’ve just upgraded to version 4.3 stable and it’s happened again, and now I’m wondering if it could be the window or even my computer. And I also realized that it’s not just when running that the FPS has dropped, even in the editor the frame rate is lower than normal, like when interacting with nodes in the scene and things like that.

Ok, I’ve been using Godot 4.3 since the last post but this bug has happened again twice. I don’t know why, but all I’ve been using at the same time as it is Microsoft Edge. Could it be something to do with my PC configuration?

And long after I launched this thread, I found a way to solve the problem. I saw in another discussion something similar to my situation, they found that the problem disappears when you restart the computer and that’s what worked for me, it’s not a definitive solution but it’s enough.