Has anyone got Helix setup as an external editor? I was trying to figure out what options to set in Godot itself to make double clicking on script files open in Helix. Have been trying to find the right external editor option for me.
Because I want to try Helix? I’d go neovim if I thought I could get everything setup right.
I’m giving VS code a shot now, but really want to incorporate more vim commands in my workflow. I’ve added the neovim plugin but then I’m configuring vim inside of configuring vs code.
Eventually, I’ll probably just put some time into learning what I need to get everything setup in Neovim. I still hope integration with external editors will improve and more LSP features get added.
@dwexel I think I did when I was messing with it. But opening a code file in the editor and having it open in my text editor is an important feature to me.
Correct me if I am wrong here but since Helix basically runs in the terminal we can’t configure Godot to open files in it directly, since it would simply try to open the files in the terminal and not in Helix. But even if it could do that, would it not just end up with a bunch of terminals running Helix and eventually overflow the language server? I just assumed that and didn’t even try configuring Helix as an external editor, so I could be wrong about that ofc.
That said, opening files in Helix is easy. Hit Space then ‘f’ and you can open any file in the project directory by typing any part of its name.
However there is currently an issue where Godot closes down very often when I write to the files in Helix. I don’t know why it crashes, I’ll probably check the crash log some day.
But yeah, Helix is great. I can’t imagine going back to mouse cursor relying IDEs again honestly. Too bad Godot seems to be having issues with it at the moment.
@LivingTomato Ultimately, we’d need to tell Helix to open the file in a new buffer. That’s the way I got it working in Neovim. Like I say, I may just use VS Codium for now then work on learning a bit more Neovim and just use that.
I THINK one issue I had trying to open files in Neovim was that I couldn’t get it to stick to project root. But maybe I figured that out. I’ll get some time to experiment more potentially tonight or this weekend.