Weird shadows on model

Godot Version



So my player model is Ico sphere with image texture material (2048x2048)
In blender everything is ok

But in Godot i get these weird shadows

How can i fix them?

1 - create a copy of your model and set it to smooth.
2 - bake the normal maps into a texture from the flat shaded one to the smooth shader one. each face must be in a different part of the texture for this to work properly.
3 - use the smooth shaded model in godot and assign the normal map, this will give it the flat shaded look.

my theory, this has to do with the toon shader or vertex shading not working with a flat faced model.
or, flat faced models are exported as individual tris instead of a continuous surface, it has duplicated vertices, so it could be related to that.
it could also be SSAO or other shader causing the artifacts. or even anti-aliasing.

Could you share the texture? Maybe your UVs are close to the edge of transparent pixels, scaling your UVs or clamping the texture in Godot might help

heres the texture

Cool, I think making more of the texture blue would help, give your UVs some grace. Godot compresses 3D textures pretty heavily so maybe the edges get darkened by the nearby black, moreso than blender would show.


it worked, thanks!