I made this script so my rigid body would rotate along with the player @onready var player = get_node(“/root/Main/Player”)
func _process(delta: float) → void:
self.rotation_degrees.y = player.rotation_degrees.y + 90
and when I run it the rigid body 3d stops falling and gets stuck in place. I made a script to grab it but it wont move either, its just stuck in the middle of the air. Anyone got any clues to make it work?
Yup, I wasnt usin one at first but adding one didnt change it. I guess setting its rotation every frame is making it lag? i tried adjusting its rotation every time i move my mouse but its very laggy. If theres a better approach it would be awesome
Im pretty sure that because rigidbodys are affected by physics. Id recommend using a characterbody. That + it’s template you can generate when attaching a script makes it the best for making a character