When the player is crouched and hurt for the first time, it gets stuck in the fall state

Godot Version



See the video below.

I’ve made the game in a way so that when the player is crouched and if there’s a platform above the player, the crouch state will remain.

When the player is crouched under a platform and gets hurt, it gets stuck in the fall state for a few seconds. Then returns to normal.

After the first attempt, this issue can rarely be replicated.

HURT state code:

extends "State.gd"

@onready var hurt_timer = $HurtTimer #0.3s

var hurt_anim_playing = false

func update(delta):
	Player.velocity = Vector2.ZERO
	if !hurt_anim_playing:
		if Player.is_on_floor():
			return STATES.IDLE
		if Player.is_on_floor() == false:
			return STATES.FALL
		if Player.crouch_input == true:
			return STATES.CROUCH		
	return null
func enter_state():
	if Player.crouch_input == true:
	hurt_anim_playing = true

func exit_state():
	hurt_anim_playing = false

func _on_hurt_timer_timeout():
	Player.is_hurt = false
	hurt_anim_playing = false

Any idea on how to rectify this?
Thanks in advance.

	if !hurt_anim_playing:
		if Player.is_on_floor():
			return STATES.IDLE
		if Player.is_on_floor() == false:
			return STATES.FALL
		if Player.crouch_input == true:
			return STATES.CROUCH	

As far as I can tell, this will always return either STATES.IDLE or STATES.FALL, because Player.is_on_floor() must necessarily be either true or false. This means you can never switch from the HURT state back to the CROUCH state with your current code.

That aside, I can’t tell from this code why it would end up in the FALL state rather than IDLE. Does the "crouch_hurt" animation somehow lift the character slightly off the ground or something? You could try showing the value of Player.is_on_floor() on the screen along with the other debug information, to see if it even thinks it’s on the floor.

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Thank you.
I’ve updated the code of the “HURT state” to the below, based on your comment. And the issue was resolved.

extends "State.gd"

@onready var hurt_timer = $HurtTimer

var hurt_anim_playing = false

func update(delta):
	Player.velocity = Vector2.ZERO
	if !hurt_anim_playing:
		if Player.is_on_floor():
			if Player.crouch_input == true:
				return STATES.CROUCH
			if Player.crouch_input == false:
				return STATES.IDLE
		if Player.is_on_floor() == false:
			return STATES.FALL
		#if Player.ray_cast_2d_left.is_colliding() or Player.ray_cast_2d_right.is_colliding():
			#return STATES.CROUCH
	return null
func enter_state():
	if Player.crouch_input == true:
	hurt_anim_playing = true

func exit_state():
	hurt_anim_playing = false

func _on_hurt_timer_timeout():
	Player.is_hurt = false
	hurt_anim_playing = false

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