Godot Version
Godot 4.3
Server tick rate : 30 per/sec for sending to peers (approx. 33ms )
Client network tick rate: 30 per/sec for sending to server peer (approx. 33ms )
Client physic process: 60 fps for simulating data coming from server side (approx. 16ms )
I didnt see any problem on the client side and i just made interpolation with lerp()
on client side.
My settings is enough or should i take any other actions? It is my first MMO attempt so i want to optimize my game as possible as. Btw I dont plan any physic calculation on server side. Host company will be in the same country to reduce latency. Also i am using ENet Wrapper. Thanks for suggestions.
I can tolarate a little bit latency due to my game mechanics not too competitive
Combat system will work like Runescape select and attack.