Godot Version - 4.3
What im trying to do: Start timer (45.0) >>> do stuff - animation open >>> stop doing stuff >>> end with animation closed
Stop everything after 45 second timer has run out.
func start_spawning_mailpackages() -> void:
#timer for total func runtime
var time_limit_timer = get_tree().create_timer(45.0)
#waits 5 secs
await get_tree().create_timer(package_begin_timer).timeout
#animation opens takes 4 secs
#wait for animation to finish
await factory_entrance_anim.animation_finished
#wait 1 sec to start spawning
await get_tree().create_timer(1.0).timeout
# get mail container for appending child nodes
var mail_container: Node2D = get_parent().get_node("MailContainer")
#while current package count is less than 5 keep spawning
while current_package_count < MAX_PACKAGES_IN_AREA:
#spawn package logic
#wait 3 secs per spawn
await get_tree().create_timer(spawn_delay_time).timeout
if time_limit_timer.time_left <= 0:
#animation close takes 4 secs
Timer runs out animation close finished but while loop ignored which keeps spawning.
Animation just opens and closes in a loop.
Func does not stop even though it is only run in Ready.
Hope the comments are helpful as im try to rubber duck it.
Is this even a good approach or am I best going a different way?
if time_limit_timer.time_left <= 0:
Just noticed this is causing the while loop to be ignored. Not sure if a move that out of the loop it would make a difference…