Why resource still share data eventhough i already set local_to_scene?

Godot Version



hi, why resource still share data eventhough i already set local_to_scene?
SnowRes.gd is original class, if i use this, i wont have a prolem
but whe i use testSnow.tres, it will share data
1 -Eg, if i put testSnow.tres in my inventory with quantity 10, then i pun another 10, the total quantity still 10.
2 - if i put in two slot, if any of slot change quantity, the other also change quantity

When you put your *.tres file into an exported variable, you are just referencing this specific Resource instance, not creating a copy of it. So any changes to the original resource, will have effect everywhere where you reference that Resource instance.

You need to explicitly make it unique, like that

And then you will see that the value can be changed separately.
