Input on Area2D node (child of viewport) does not work

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By mrkaio


I have a problem with input on an Area2D node which is a child of a viewport. (Godot v3.1.1.stable official)

A test setup works fine:

-DemoViewport (Node)
--Area2D (has GDScript and CollisionObject2D:input_event connected with _on_Area2D_input event)

GDScript of Area2D:

extends Area2D

func _on_Area2D_input_event(viewport, event, shape_idx):
	if event is InputEventMouseButton && event.pressed:

As soon as I click on the Area2D the output in the console is


Now I change the project setup to:

-DemoViewport (Node)
----Area2D (has GDScript and CollisionObject2D:input_event connected with _on_Area2D_input event)

No changes in GDScript or the connection

The function “_on_Area2D_input_event” will be never called.
If I understand correct, the viewport consume the input events but I could not find any configuration so the input event of the Area2D node is triggered again.
Where is my mistake? :frowning:

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Zylann

I tried to reproduce this, and even after checking Object Picking in the Viewport properties, I can’t seem to get any input from areas specifically inside a viewport. GUI inputs or buttons work fine. That could be a bug…
…or not?

Thank you for the link. I will follow the discussion on github.

mrkaio | 2019-08-07 13:31

I have one additional question. I think I can implement a workaround for this problem but to be able to do this I need to identify which viewport send the event to a child in the tree.

My plan is to extend the GDScript of Area2D:
func _input(event):
#do some stuff

But it looks like the event does not contain any information about the viewport…

mrkaio | 2019-08-29 15:12

If you receive an event from _input, that event comes from the viewport the node is child of, so I would say use get_viewport()?

Zylann | 2019-08-29 17:29