How can I force Editor to use correct GPU?

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Calinou

You should be able to right-click the Godot executable and choose the NVIDIA graphics card in the Run with graphics processor dropdown.

You can enforce this permanently in the NVIDIA Control Panel by creating an application profile for Godot.

Update (Godot 4.x)

Use the --gpu-index N command line argument if using Vulkan, where N is the index of your GPU (it starts from 0 and increments for every GPU found on the system). Run the engine with --verbose to see a list of detected GPUs and their IDs.

There is no way to override selection from Godot if using the OpenGL renderer – the system decides.

Thank you! Completely forgot about this option in context menu. Quite silly of me, profile didn’t work for some reason though. But “run with” did work!
Thanks again!

guba-odudkin | 2018-08-26 10:44