Is there a wait function to godot

You can’t just put it in a function like wait() and then call it.
Yield starts a co-routine. But you call it like a normal method. So it just starts the co-routine, but your _ready does not wait for completion of it.

This is a working code snippet:

extends Node

func _ready():
	yield(wait(2), "completed")

func wait(seconds):
	yield(get_tree().create_timer(seconds), "timeout")

To be honest I would not put it in a method. I would just use yield(get_tree().create_timer(seconds), "timeout") wherever you need it.

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What winston said, but also do you have a specific situation/problem? The official Docs and numerous tutorials on youtube are the place for theoreticals/learning general concepts. Otherwise we will go on for infinite amount of time.

Forums are far better for solving specific problems/crashes/etc. So if you have real app with code that isn’t working but you need to make work, just reference that example.

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i tried to not use the function itself and now it works thank you alot

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You marked this as being answered but out of curiosity, what are you waiting for?
Are you waiting for an animation to finish, or for keyboard input or something else?

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