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Asked By | MaTTs |
I’m building a TD game with an enemySpawner which handles just that.
I’ve recently erased from enemies a “life_changed” signal which they all had. For some reason, the editor still tries to connect that signal when instanciating objects.
This error appears on line: “var enemy = tipo.enemy.instance()”, where “tipo” refers to the given dictionary. And tipo.enemy refers to the preload Scene within that dictionary.
Also: there used to be a “colorRect” representing life which got the signal and act on it. But for all ColorRects i’ve cleaned the .gd file so that shouldnt be a problem.
i have also checked the timeout function but it has no clue whatsoever.
If anyone could help me, i’ve ran out of ideas here.
E 0:00:07.175 connect: In Object of type ‘KinematicBody2D’: Attempt to connect nonexistent signal ‘life_changed’ to method ‘ColorRect._on_enemy_pedo_normal_life_changed’.
<Error de C++>Condition “!signal_is_valid” is true. Returned: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
<Fuente C++> core/object.cpp:1500 @ connect() @ spawn() @ _on_spreadTimer_timeout()