No, stating that you read a post is not productive in forum settings. You could like a post if you really want to react, but we do not need read reciepts to further publish knowledge.
The contents of your reply don’t relate to FBX animation imports, thus detracting from the topic.
Sorry I didn’t give enough context. 
And are you the one targeting me? 
No I am not targeting you, and I haven’t flagged any of your posts.
If you are having trouble with the forum you should take it a little slower and I feel you might be in a chatroom/discord mindset, but the forum isn’t like that. Short quick posts aren’t good for the forum, take a while to draft your posts.
If you have two things to say, write them both down in one message, you can seperate chunks of your message with markdown, make sure your posts are formatted properly, use paragraphs, code blocks, and headers where appropriate.
Like in this post you state two problems you are experiencing, there isn’t a lot of detail. For anyone to help they need to know what’s going wrong and what you expected to happen, without both pieces of information nobody could tell you how to course correct. Furthermore we need to know the machine’s state, what you are feeding the computer to get these results.
Yesterday you posted a video of the sprite, with stretched legs, but I still don’t know what you expect it to look like, nor do I know what sprite you are setting or the scripts attached to this character.
Now I understand this forum doesn’t have a great welcome mat. Most new users have a tough time with formatting and how to convey their question or problem. It’s sad to be flagged down for trying, I don’t think you are a bad actor and there aren’t many tools for helping while the flag button is right there. The pinned posts in this forum also severely lack in directing new users.
I’ll try to remember that.
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