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avencherus |
Not exactly.
get_node() takes a path which is a NodePath type, which behaves like a String.
The closest thing to what you want is the shorthand $, but it will need quotes if you use spaces in your node names.
or with spaces $"my node"
For manipulating paths with variables you concatenate as you need.
for i in 10:
get_node(str("node_", i))
If you want to use some other method you can collect up the node references and store them in a Dictionary, using the key as the identifier you prefer.
onready var node_table = {
1 = get_node("thing"),
2 = get_node("thing/child_1"),
2 = get_node("thing/child_2")
You could also create constants with the paths, so these can be updated quickly from the top of your script.
const FIRST = "thing_1"
const SECOND = "thing_1/child_1"
Nodes also instance IDs, but these are entirely fixed as you develop, and the tracking of these can be more verbose and prone to error.
Objects have the method get_instance_id().
GSCript has the utility function instance_from_id .
thanks for the response.
Is it possible to use get_node() when I want to access an instanced child?
func _on_Area_area_entered(area):
var a_name = area.get_parent().get_parent().name #the parent of the area
print(a_name) #would print: Player
if $'a_name': #trying to search children with the same name as area.
pass #already have a child with the name
else: #don't have a child with the name
var new_child = instanced_node.instance()
beginner, very lost here sorry
witch_milk | 2020-12-01 17:22
Just a quick correction on the “Dictionary” solutions:
onready var node_table = {
1 : get_node("thing"),
2 : get_node("thing/child_1"),
3 : get_node("thing/child_2")
Changes: “=” (assign) changed to “:”, numeration was wrong (1,2,2 changed to 1,2,3)
Might seem dumb but could help newbies
Gianclgar | 2022-05-15 21:47