App for building and exporting 3d mazes

Hi all,

I have been working on a dev tool for making 3d mazes quickly and I think I’m ready to share. I’ll drop the Itchio link and give a brief overview:

The app builds mazes and exports to Wavefront object files. It has a GUI which specifies the mazes’ width, length, height, RNG seed, outfile, and algorithm. It currently supports Binary Tree and Sidewinder algorithms. Once the outfile is specified, you can click “Build!” and it will generate the maze in the 3d world, and also, export a Wavefront object file to your computer. From there, you can drag and drop the file into Godot or similar engines.

There’s a live web app linked on the Itchio project homepage. The web version is a little clunky, so I prefer the desktop executable. Thanks for checking it out.