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Asked By
Deepak Jogi
So I was trying to export my game to android (USB debugging) . I have an old zenfone (laser) that I debug on and it used to run GLES3 on godot 3.1.2 . But for some reason it doesn’t run GLES3 on Godot 3.2.2 . I verified this cos it works on GLES2
Thats the thing Im running GLES 3 on the old phone when I launch from 3.1.2
Deepak Jogi | 2020-09-07 17:09
Oh I’m dumb and never read the whole question, sorry.
Do you want to send your APK file to me, or do you want me to send my APK to you?
Colon D | 2020-09-07 17:10
The apk exported from 3.2.2 works on my Poco phone tho, just not on this old android 6 phone .(which used to run GLES3) and it is GLES 3 cos 2 works fine on the old phone
Deepak Jogi | 2020-09-07 17:14
Do you get anything in the console when you run it?
I think the command adb logcat on PC will let you see your Androids console, or something similar.
Colon D | 2020-09-07 17:17
Oh I havent tried that , I’ll let you know after trying
But when I try fall back to GLES2 it still doesnt open meaning the device supports GLES3 but for some reason cant open this apk. I was planning to make an update for my game on this but dont want to reduce compatibility