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Asked By | Hexadotz |
So i made a scene in it there’s this room that has two giant doors open but before that a spotlight will appear if the player get to close to the door (im using an area node to detect the player) and plays a sound effect
So i gave it a test and the audio works although more quite than the editor after that i dragged the scene containing the doors and the spotlight and its sfx to the level i needed it to be in when i get close to the door the spotlight turns on the doors open but i can’t hear the sfx, i did some debugging to check if the audio actually plays and it does i simply don’t hear it i don’t know why please help
Additional information: the format of the sfx is WAV
and as i said in the editor the sound is loud and clear but in the scene it’s more quiet
Im using a audioplayer3d node
try with
AudioStreamPlayer (but not 3D)
ramazan | 2022-07-18 13:51