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Asked By | Mxt08 |
For a game, I need to play multiple sounds and musics. But I don’t know why, it doesn’t play the music, I tried with different wav files changing the settings in the node inspector, but it doesn’t work neither in normal player, nor in the 3D player.
Someone can tell my how I can fix this error?
Thanks in advanced.
or AudioStreamPlayer2D
Please give more info. how does your tree look, where and how do you call play
whiteshampoo | 2021-03-31 16:32
I tried it in AudioStreamPlayer and in AudioStreamPlayer3D, but in two cases it doesn’t work.
Mxt08 | 2021-03-31 17:49
Is your stream empty?
Can you play the sound(.wav) file in the editor?
double click the sound file in the [file system] and it should open in the [inspector].
There’s a [play] and [stop] button, a [spectrogram] and [duration] on the bottom of the inspector. See if you can play the sound file.
Sometimes .wav files exported from Audacity 2.1.0 doesn’t export properly.
bloodsign | 2021-04-01 03:45
Aside from the above, can you give us exactly why you are using the sound. For example, walking sound etc. Because there is a case where your audio stream player constantly play to the point of you’re not hearing it
Mrpaolosarino | 2021-04-01 13:08