Call method tracks on one animation work but not another from same animation player

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Sir_Skurpsalot

call method tracks on two of my animations no longer work, I have been trying to trouble shoot this for hours but cant figure out why they stopped working. No matter what function from what script I assign it will not call it, but I can call the same function from another animation’s call method track and it works. The animation that seems to be able to call functions is a looping animation if that helps at all.

found in the debugger I am getting these errors:
E 0:00:02:0358 Node not found: …/…/…/AnimationTree
scene/main/node.cpp:1382 @ get_node()
E 0:00:02:0358 AnimationTree: ‘S_AK-Pistol’, couldn’t resolve track: ‘…/…/…/AnimationTree’
scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp:581 @ _update_caches()
E 0:00:02:0358 Node not found: …/…/…/AnimationTree
scene/main/node.cpp:1382 @ get_node()
E 0:00:02:0358 AnimationTree: ‘S_Pistol-AK’, couldn’t resolve track: ‘…/…/…/AnimationTree’
scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp:581 @ _update_caches()

which makes no sense… the animations are playing and the animation tree is functioning

Sir_Skurpsalot | 2019-09-18 07:37

nevermind thats because I moved the animationtree and didnt update the call function tracks, redid those and now I get no errors but it still doesn’t work. Those two animations refuse to call any functions.

Sir_Skurpsalot | 2019-09-18 07:42

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Sir_Skurpsalot

Finally figured it out. In the animation tree on that blend node’s bone filter there was a no name track/bone at the top that was filtered out, it is the call method track.

I had the same problem but I’ve just solved it by sheer chance, so I guess it didn’t have the same cause.

KingPiEta | 2021-02-16 20:17

This was driving me crazy. thanks!

Barrrettt | 2023-01-12 22:30

Can you post a screenshot on how did you fix it? I can’t find this “filter” you mentioned.

Hopefully you figured this out by now, but this was very confusing for me!

In the AnimationTree, you can set filters on bones for some nodes: Using AnimationTree — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

I was doing this to filter out arm/leg animations from each other. If you have filtering turned on you also have to turn it on for function calls: