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Asked By
Nuno Donato
Old Version
Published before Godot 3 was released.
I’m coding my own popup/confirm dialog, but the current problem is that I can still focus and click on stuff behind it (buttons, etc).
So I’d like to, when this popup is shown, the rest of the GUI is frozen and taking and inputs at all.
I’m not using the process_input function, just connecting the buttons signals, so is there a way to disable it easily for all controls under a specific node?
Pause does not work?
eons | 2017-04-23 14:11
nop, I can still click buttons
Nuno Donato | 2017-04-23 15:11
Godot 2 or 3?
On 2 tried with a button and a dialog and works just ignoring mouse (still, you need to get all the controls in a group to set the ignore mouse on and off, and grab and restore focus).
Do you have a small scene that does not work to test?
If you use set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE) the control cannot be focused.
Alternatively, if your popup has a single control to interact with, you can use the “focus_exit” signal to call “grab_focus” on the main control. That way, nothing else can be focused.