Can I scale sprites horizontally without distorting the edges?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By ebaum

In Unity, there’s a way to import images (I think it’s called Sliced or something like that) where you can define certain margins beyond which scaling will have no effect. I can’t seem to find a way to do this in Godot and it’s driving me a little crazy. Here’s an illustration of the problem:

I like using outlines and rounded rectangles for games, and I’d like the edges to stay nice and round and the border to stay proportional. I know NinePatchRect does this, but it seems made for UI components. Does anyone know a way to get this result?

Any luck with this? I am stuck in the same problem. Here is how Unity solves this:

d2clon | 2023-01-20 17:06

I found our solution, it is called NicePathRect: :slight_smile:

d2clon | 2023-01-21 16:27

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Calinou

NinePatchRect extends Control instead of Node2D, but you can still use it within your game’s scenes. It will move within the scene when the camera moves if it’s not a child of a CanvasLayer node.

There is currently no NinePatchSprite node. Therefore, unless you draw it manually, using NinePatchRect is the way to go.

I has same problem to with TouchScreenButton. cause TouchScreenButton is under the Node2D its do not has Theme.
and my biggest question why TouchScreenButton is not under controll in first place

You can’t press two buttons at once, while you can press multiple TouchScreenButtons, so I guess it’s not a Control because the code underneath is completely different